
Hi! I am Franziska Koslin and I am a life coach, media business consultant and film producer in the vortex. I am a passionate lover of life. I learned to love life with all it’s twists and miracles and I love sharing my insights with anyone who is eager to learn more.

I also love the  movie business; the reason why I chose to become a film producer. And I love, love, love to work and support any creative soul out there (media makers, make sure you check out my Facebook group “Film and Media Makers in the Vortex“).  And yes, I am all about love, as you might have noticed by now, hahaha. But this is because love feels sooo good and in the end: Love is the key to everything… (You just have to look for it in the right place.)


So, are you ready?

Because let me tell you, once you understand how Life (aka: the Law of Attraction) works there is no holding back. And you will love it because your experiences will get better and better. Every day. Every moment. Exciting and really good news, don’t you think?


What I have to offer might be interesting to you if…

  • You want a positive shift that brings more fun and happiness into your life.
  • You want to be part of a positive and supportive community.
  • You appreciate positive and inspirational reminders of how good, fun and easy life can be.
  • You feel that there must be more to life and everything in general should be easier.


It’s law… 

We are all living by the Universal “Law of Attraction”, whether you are aware of it or not. Now, if you desire to know more about this brilliant law and how to use it, I have great news for you: It will be such an easy and fun process for you to practice, as it’s nothing new that you have to learn, but it’s more a question of how much you are willing and ready to remember

No matter what you feel or decide to do right now, know, that everything happens for a reason and you are on your right path, as you will only hear what you are ready for. You are safe and all is well.

Just relax, take more often a deep breath and allow magic moments to enter your life – they will.

Welcome to my world!

“The basis of your life is freedom; the purpose of your life is joy.” 

(Abraham – Hicks)



 heart empty petrolFranzi 

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