When you feel you have tried all possible tools and techniques to achieve new levels of performance, but somehow you still keep experiencing the same levels of stress, frustration and inconsistent results; it’s time to take a look beyond the problem and approach the situation on a deeper level.

Together we look beyond outside appearances and meet all obstacles and problems at their core – to transform the situation once and for all. I help you understand the key principles that are constantly at work and responsible for your level of performance so you know how to tap into your power and experience peace of mind, clarity and focus regardless of outer circumstances.

For any questions or inquiries please get in touch with me through the contact form or via e-mail. I am happy to help you find the coaching package that suits your situation best.

“Our thoughts are the camera, our eyes are the lens. Put them together and the picture we see is reality.”  Sydney Banks

Some of the services I offer:

✩ Coaching Support for TV and Film Productions

✩ Leadership Coaching for Directors, Producers, or any other Head of Dept.

✩ Conflict Management

“Every individual possesses the potential to live and perform freely – no matter the circumstances of his or her life.”   – Garret Kramer (founder and managing partner of Inner Sports LLC)

In the field of high performance where one is constantly exposed to an environment of high pressure, high levels of stress and high expectations, it becomes crucial to know a reliable and healthy way to experience peace of mind, clarity and focus, so that excellent performance can be achieved, in any given situation.

However most traditional coaching approaches tend to solve the problem only temporarily, through the use of “thought-management” techniques. They usually stay on the surface of the situation and turn to “outside-in” control fixes what typically results in a never-ending chase and dependency on just the “right” outer circumstances or mindset. However, over time this approach is limited and has the tendency to become very exhausting, inflexible and frustrating.

What most people don’t know is that there is an easier way, which leads to even better and more consistent performance skills and results. That is what I want for you. So instead of me teaching you another tool for your box, my goal is it to help you understand how your mind works. Because the source of all wellbeing lies on a deeper level and once recognized you will know how to achieve a sustainable level of high performance, while naturally adding more ease, fun and success to all you do.

“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.”  Lao Tzu

Some of the services I offer:

✩ Facilitation/Coaching Support for Media Companies and Organisations

✩ Leadership Coaching and Team Building

✩ Conflict Management

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