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Hi, I am Franziska and I am very excited you’ve found me. As a transformative life and business coach it’s become my passion to help you understand how your life’s experience is created and how you can connect with your own inner wisdom any time in order to create lasting change from the inside out.

So if you desire to change something in your life, want to become more successful, add more meaning to what you do, or simply want to explore what else is possible in life and business, we might be a match. Just keep reading and check for yourself, if what I offer resonates with you.

Ready to create something truly NEW? Then it’s time to embrace the UNKNOWN.

One common thing that I keep noticing is that people tend to create and evaluate their life’s experiences based upon what they’ve come to know to be true for them. What life taught them so far. So depending on each individual perception and situations lived, everyone has created their own very unique “story of life”, a believe system unconsciously established that serves as some kind of reference point. Nothing wrong with reference points as long as we are aware of them.

But what most of the time happens is that we unconsciously re-create our life by using known factors from our past (“same faces different places”). We measure and compare our present life to established factors of the past. But some detail always appears to be missing, so we become busy gaining more knowledge in order to find the missing piece…

Can you see the paradox? -To try to create something NEW by using something KNOWN. We believe to create something NEW by rearranging what we KNOW.

But if you want to create something completely new, you have to face the unknown. Make the unknown your friend. Play with it. And this is exactly where my coaching starts…

I am here to help you uncover your truth, to experience and get familiar with the unknown. It’s the place where your inspiration talks to you in a clear and gentle way. Where unlimited creativity, peace of mind, ease and fun are always available to you. I want you to become so confident and secure that no matter what situations life throws at you, you know how to flow with it. That you know why you say, decide and do what you do. That outside circumstances no longer confuse you, but rather become a new interesting aspect of your life.

What to expect when working with me

For me the most important part of a successful coaching experience is the right chemistry between the coachee and coach because coaching is teamwork.

As I am committed to give all of my attention and focus on helping you to succeed in whatever you are aiming for, it is very important to me for you to understand the following:

♡ You are unique and so will be each coaching session: I don’t follow a “one strategy fits all” approach. I am aiming for true lasting transformation that comes from within you, not some quick fixes. Are you curious enough to try something different?

♡ You have to be willing to see something new and be willing to create space for it in your life.

♡ Sometimes the hardest part (especially in the beginning) can be “to let it be easy”. Are you willing to change and allow more ease and joy into your life’s experience?

I am here to team up with you and help you recognize your foundation of inner peace, security and unlimited potential. This is a very powerful journey, with a lot of fun. Are you willing to jump in and leave the past behind? Let’s chat. I’m excited to connect with you.

Prior to any individual coaching package purchase a first free clarity session has to take place (schedule it here). You can also find more infos regarding my services and coaching packages here.



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